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Determine the Number of Call Center Supervisors You Need

Writer's picture: ContaqtContaqt

Deciding the number of agents assigned to each supervisor and the number of supervisors to hire in result can be a complicated process because no contact center is the same. You have to look into multiple factors to determine what the best number of supervisors for your call center is. Fortunately, we will be discussing these factors so that you can plan according to your call center’s needs and budget.

Tasks and Responsibilities

First, you need to determine exactly what your agents’ responsibilities are so that you can hire supervisors that are familiar with the workload and can help your agents by providing deeper knowledge of how to efficiently complete the tasks assigned. This may vary by industry. The chosen responsibilities and tasks by your organization also play a role in hiring supervisors that can specialize in specific languages, types of calls, and types of products.

Typically, a higher number of supervisors are hired inside financial and insurance companies due to the high volume of tasks and responsibilities that require monitoring and coaching.

It is important to recognize that if you are experiencing a growth in workload at your call center, you may need to hire more supervisors in order to keep your employees focused on their increasing responsibilities, thus allowing you higher control over your operations.

Size and Budget

Whether you have a small or big contact center, it is crucial that you set a budget before deciding on a number of supervisors you wish to hire. For many call centers today, a budget normally enables one supervisor to monitor between 10-15 agents.

If you have a bigger contact center, you may also need to consider the hours of the day. If your call center experiences a peak at a certain time of day, such as early afternoon, then hiring more supervisors to work during that time can provide better customer experience for your customers and less stress for your agents. On top of that, issues can be resolved faster, if any occur.

If you have a smaller contact center, hiring a supervisor is essential even if you have less than 10-15 agents because that supervisor can monitor more agents as your call center grows. On top of that, obtaining a supervisor enables for smoother operations and an increased level of control regarding agent management.

Training and Technology

If your agents are not well trained and require coaching, it may be a good idea to hire more supervisors to make certain that your employees are knowledgeable. In many cases, contact center agents are experiencing an increase in workload but may not know how to go about an issue. In some cases, technological development may startle your agents and more monitoring is required for appropriate tasks to be completed.

In the case that your agents are well trained and require little guidance, you may allow your supervisors to gain a larger level of control and increase the number of agents they are responsible for. It all depends on how your call center is structured and what needs need to be met.

Before hiring supervisors, remember to analyze your contact center for its needs first. The number of call center supervisors that you require in order to keep your contact center operating smoothly varies from one call center to another.



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