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Customize announcements and prompts given to callers when they dial your call center. Text-to-Speech is a convenient technology that helps create audio files on the fly and can be used for instructions as well as emergency notifications.
Contaqt’s Text-to-Speech (TTS) feature enables you to create custom prompts, including IVR prompts, that can be announced in 50 different languages and accents. Contaqt’s languages include but are not limited to: English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Portuguese, etc. Each language can have up to 10 different narrators that you can choose from, including both male and female narrators.

Send Out Announcements
For example, call centers can quickly create new Text-to-Speech media files in cases of emergencies or system-wide technical difficulties in their services to announce when services are expected to be restored and to avoid long wait times in queues of customers reporting the issues.
Another example is the ability to create customizable voice messages to customers derived from the call center CRM systems using an external API request. Through this ability, call centers can quickly adapt to changing situations and replace prompts according to the current status of the situations. There is no need to internally record voice messages when you can easily create them using Text-to-Speech (TTS).
Take advantage of Text-to-Speech to make your operation run smoother and more efficient.
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